From cave man drawings to the selfie…

Since man was a cave dweller and drawing on walls he has had a fascination with his penis and images of it.

It is a route to pleasure unknown in childhood and stirs new and exciting emotions and experiences. It can be a source of pride and proof of manhood. Hardly a surprise then that men take pics of their dicks!


One of the current extensions of this is self-promotion, using the image as a tool to attract praise, attention, and get some action. There is a problem. Once an image is shared, it is no longer under the control of the person who took the pic. It can subsequently be shared among a peer group or wider audience if the owner is a person of celebrity or later becomes one.

An image can become a monster if it is used to manipulate, exploit, or expose someone.

The only safe dick pic to share is a head and shoulders shot one a man called Richard, ie Richard Madeley of Richard and Judy fame. Sharing his image shouldn’t get you into trouble.

It is not only the male and not only men who take these pics. Whether teenagers take these pics of their volition or not the images can still be used against them and are inappropriate.

Should mobile phone manufacturers include a software app that has image recognition to prevent inappropriate images being sent or received as part of a parental control package? Such an app could, for instance, send a copy of the image to a parents phone for approval prior to dispatch or prior to the intended user being able to open it.

A campaign could be mounted by some of those who are in the public eye and have fallen from grace because of either something they shared before they were known or from a momentary lapse in judgement.

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Sad to say but, sometimes we need protecting from ourselves. I dread to think what I trouble I would have got into if these options were available to me when I was a teenager!


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