DILEMMA | I’ve just found out that I’ve got genital warts, what should I do?
A reader discovers that he’s got genital warts and want to know if he can treat them himself, Dr Nitin Shori answers the question. Dear TGUK I just found that […]
A reader discovers that he’s got genital warts and want to know if he can treat them himself, Dr Nitin Shori answers the question. Dear TGUK I just found that […]
This week a reader asks whether it’s okay to go to his local sauna when he’s got a verruca.
Health experts call on the government to offer ‘catch-up’ HPV vaccination to boys up to age 18 to protect them against fatal diseases
This week a reader asks how he might get rid of genital warts, Dr Nitin Shori answers the question. Dear Doctor I have genital warts and don’t want to get […]
The Welsh Government has announced that an HPV vaccination will be made available for all gay and bisexual men. An HPV vaccination which could offer protection against certain types of cancers […]
Up to 40,000 gay and bisexual men attending genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics will be offered the HPV vaccine as part of a new pilot programme, the Public Health Minister Jane […]
Extending the HPV vaccine to gay men could help the fight against cancer. Dr Gillian Prue, lecturer of chronic illness at Queen’s University of Belfast, recently published in the British […]
Sexual Health Charity GMFA have called on the UK Government to provide a HPV Vaccination to 367,000 12-year-old boys in the hope of protecting them against HPV-Related Cancers · HPV […]